Your Unknown Novelwriter taking a Power Selfie |
So, this time our professor told us to have a Power Selfie. To explain it, you just wear a corporate attire and take a selfie. But, there's a twist with this one. We're going to make a blog about the companies we want to work in, in the future. What are these three companies that I want to work in? Here it is: Ubisoft, Square Enix, and/or Riot Games. Now let's get started.
Riot Games
I want to work with them because, simply, I'm a gamer of their game: League of Legends. But that is not the reason to why I want to work there, but I want to know how they can maintain the servers; how they update their game, their characters, the map, and the gameplay itself. Also, I have a Champion concept in my mind. And I want to submit it to them and join them to create that Champion in my mind.
Square Enix
Square Enix is also one of my choices when I was a in Third Year High School (the time where I had a transition of my choice in my course to be taken in college. From Medical course to IT course specializing in game Developing). Because of their Final Fantasy games, I'm curious how they have made such an awesome fantasy RPG such as these. And, it makes me want to join their team for game development, sound engineering, or story writing. Back then, I really like this company. But because of its lack of other concepts for their upcoming Final Fantasy games, I did a double take. But hey! It's still on my choice!
Assassin's Creed, one of my favorite games of all time. As you have known, my dear avid readers, I have posted 2-3 blogs about that game. And these guys from Ubisoft made that game. Why I want to work with them? First of all, I'm an avid fan of History. That's why my favorite game is Assassin's Creed. That's the reason why I want to work in this company! But to elaborate more, I want to join them to develop a new Assassin's Creed game from not well known history. And, I hope when I join them, we are on the progress of developing an Assassin's Creed game set in Philippine History, Japanese History, and German History.
This concludes my post about my power selfie and the companies I want to work in. Yeah, dreaming for big companies such as these are always free. But, if you want to acheive this dream of yours, trust me, you need to work ass up to get there.
TUN out!