Sadness. We always feel that. There will be no point in your day where you will not experience or, might as well, feel this kind of emotion. You thought that you are so happy, but deep inside you, is your other self, crying. Why we always feel this?
Have you had any memories? Because you are not human if you don't. Kidding aside, this is one factor that could affect you, that's why you feel like crying. It is either someone close to you died, had a really bad break-up, or perhaps you have suffered from a bad injury (Which, to think of it, not a reason to become sad when you remember it. Instead you go, "Whoo! Look at my scar! This defines my success!") That's why, some people who are so talkative and active, becomes so silent and a bit timid because somebody or something may have triggered the memory switch that have caused to change acts. One example for that is, the well-known: music. If you don't even get that, maybe you should take time to ponder on things.
Another thing is present occurence. Why? Let's just say that you are liking someone. And you could feel special when you are noticed by that person. But, when you witness that person mingle with somebody else, you feel a miner is using his pickaxe to dig his way in. In short, you feel that your heart is being shattered into pieces. Also, when you hear rumors. You, don't even deny it, can't help but to think those rumors are true. That's why some person thinks of anything rash, without properly asking for the truth from the person involved, which is the person you like. That's why we end up achieving nothing.
Another thing is, but not really, having your self-esteem be lowered. But, I will not elaborate thing about this. So, take another time to ponder on this if you also not get my point.
What is the purpose of writing this? Nonsense? Nope. The purpose of this is to spread some positivity. Because, it is okay to be sad, but not overly sad. Just take a little time to be sad. Because if you overdo it, You will not see all the positivity that is all around you. Surrounding you. You cannot even appreciate them.
Just FEED. Face, Erase, Evolve, and have Determination.
Face all of your fears.
Erase all of your bad memories.
Evovle into a new person. And;
Determination is your best weapon.
Almost forgot, don't forget to smile. Because, in just one smile, you are one problem less.
Spread the positivity! Good night.